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Telepsychiatry Best Practices

How Telepsychiatry Works

Telepsychiatry Best Practices

The national average wait time to see a mental health clinician is almost eight weeks and in some communities, it could be several months. innovaTel understands how hard it is to find psychiatric clinicians, especially psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners. Luckily, telepsychiatry has proven to be an extremely effective solution to this challenge, leading to more mental health care practices adopting telepsychiatry and a treatment medium.  

In April of 2018, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Telemedicine Association partnered on a guide for Best Practices in Videoconferencing-Based Telemental Health. This guide points out the three areas of consideration when delivering mental health care via telepsychiatry: administrative, technical and clinical considerations. 

Areas of Consideration & How innovaTel Can Help

Navigating these best practices can be challenging which is why innovaTel’s telepsychiatry experts are able to guide you through the important considerations when establishing a telepsychiatry program. 

Administrative Considerations

One of the most important administrative factors to consider when establishing a telepsychiatry program is understanding your organization’s needs and the hours you need to fill. Once this is established, innovaTel covers all costs associated with recruiting and hiring clinicians saving your organization time and money. With an innovatel partnership, you’re able to expand your clinician search to the entire country and only interview qualified candidates to join your team.

Technical Considerations

Once you choose your clinician they will connect to your organization virtually through simple to use technology and will document concurrently in your EMR. innovaTel provides you with a platform that is both secure and HIPAA compliant, the most important technical consideration.

Clinical Considerations

When adding a remote clinician to your clinical team it is important to be clear about your facility’s needs and whether or not a specific clinician is right for your care setting. With innovaTel as your partner, it’s your team’s decision in which the clinician becomes a virtual member of your team and innovaTel looks to become a long-term partner in which the clinicians become a dedicated and collaborative member of your team. Many of the innovaTel clinicians have been with their clinics for over five years.

Establishing a successful telepsychiatry program is easy when you partner with innovaTel. Contact innovaTel’s experts today to learn how to get started.

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