Work-Life Balance Promotes Social Wellness

July 17, 2024 | Mental Health Awareness | Uncategorized

Achieving work-life balance is not as easy as it sounds. In some professions, it’s almost impossible. Yet, most individuals understand the value that work-life balance offers from a physical and mental health perspective. 

July is an important month to reflect on the importance of work-life balance, for a couple of reasons. Not only is it, by far and away, the most popular month for vacations, but it’s also Social Wellness Month — which encourages social connections, self-care, connections with surroundings and the development of meaningful relationships. 

The two — vacations and social wellness — are pretty directly connected. 

Vacations, whether they’re enjoyed at home or in some far-flung, exotic destination, create a healthy distance between the demands of work and the need for downtime. They are a respite from deadlines and pressure, making room for renewed connections with family and friends, with a new environment or with the people we don’t spend enough time enjoying — all opportunities to renew the mind and spirit. 

Because of this, most people feel rejuvenated once vacations have concluded. Social wellness practices, encouraged during the month of July but important throughout the year, could have the same effect if incorporated over the long haul. 

Finding a Fit

It should come as no surprise that careers in the healthcare field, and specifically in the mental health and behavioral health industry, are taxing. Careers in these fields consistently rank at the top of the list for professionals who experience the most burnout

When demand for care is high, often surpassing the limited number of professionals available to offer treatment, the opportunity for burnout can be compounded. And that makes work-life balance even more vital. 

At innovaTel, we know our providers appreciate the opportunity to work in a remote capacity, in part because it promotes opportunities to achieve balance. Our team of providers, which are matched individually with organizations in need of additional clinical support, not only has the ability to work from home, but our positions offer part-time or full-time flexibility.

Remote work eliminates the need for a commute, allowing individuals to recapture time in a day that they would have otherwise spent on the road. That time, when realized at scale, makes space for the self-care, the social connections, the family time and the environmental connections that are so needed, and promoted during Social Wellness Month, for a healthy, balanced life. 

Of course, our remote providers aren’t on a clinical island, left to manage their caseloads and patients on their own. They become part of a clinical team, within innovaTel but also within the organizations with which they are matched.

It is that link to administrative and clinical support, in addition to peer support, that fosters a valuable and healthy connection and creates an environment that is not only more inclusive but more uplifting. We like to say that our remote providers are not part of a cloud: They’re part of a clinical team.

And as part of that team, they’re improving access to quality care for those who need it. And improved access improves outcomes. 

To learn more about how our provider careers – for licensed clinical social workers, therapists, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners – offer improved work-life balance, reach out to our team.

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